Taxonomic list T2, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

superficies anatomica

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Top level res incorporea Short Extended
Level 2 superficies anatomica Short Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
24137 10182
superficies anatomica
anatomical surface
242980 10498
superficies anatomica bona fide
bona fide anatomical surface
61695 10118
superficies corporis
surface of body
24146 13502
superficies regionis corporis humani
surface of region of human body
24147 10511
superficies divisionis partis principalis corporis humani
surface of subdivision of cardinal body part of human body
49188 10512
surface of subdivision of head
61567 10513
surface of subdivision of neck
61548 10514
surface of subdivision of trunk
25231 10515
surface of subdivision of limb
24145 9460 part
regio corporis humani T3 5 children
region of human body
24208 10501
superficies organi T3 10 children
surface of organ
45688 14758
surface of region of organ
24210 10502
regio superficiei organi T3 518 children
62647 10504
superficies systematis organorum
surface of organ system
29859 10505
subdivision of surface of system of organs
61691 10506
surface of anatomical cluster
67640 10507
superficies texti
surface of tissue
67653 10508
superficies cellulae
surface of cell
62519 10509
superficies partis cellulae
surface of cell part
242982 10499
planum anatomicum
anatomical plane
62532 16991
planum anatomicum ancorarium
anchored anatomical plane
74565 479 part
planum occipitale
occipital plane
22 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T2
List Unit Identifier 10182
Sublist 1 9460 regio corporis humani 5/6 on 30.6.2024
Sublist 2 10501 superficies organi 10/11 on 30.6.2024
Sublist 3 10502 regio superficiei organi 518/235 on 1.7.2024
Sublist 4 10505 divisio superficiei systematis organorum 14/9 on 1.7.2024
Sublist 5 10506 superficies complexus anatomicalis 12/9 on 1.7.2024
Sublist 6 10512 superficies divisionis capitis 49/24 on 28.6.2024
Sublist 7 10513 superficies divisionis colli 41/20 on 28.6.2024
Sublist 8 10514 superficies divisionis trunci 65/38 on 30.6.2024
Sublist 9 10515 superficies partis membri 194/79 on 30.6.2024
Sublist 10 14758 superficies regionis organi 528/277 on 1.7.2024
Subtotals subchildren 1436 subunits 708
Proper children 21
Number of children 1457 (validated)
Proper units 12
Number of units 720 (validated)
Signature 4943 (validated since 1.7.2024)
Date: 01.07.2024